Welcome to the community site of BandLoot.com.
This is where you can ask questions, write suggestions or discuss topics related to BandLoot.

Delete band members

Bjarkeh 11 jaar geleden 0
I'd like the ability to delete bandmates,
For example if you created a member by mistake, or with a incorrect email address. it would also be nice to be able to correct it as an adminitrartor

App attributes overpayment incorrectly

jeroenmarinus 8 jaar geleden 0

When a member overpays their outstanding amount (i.e.: round 49.75 to 50 for convenience), their "credit" is substracted from other members' outstanding amount in the display.

When manually accounted for and the other members pay their original amount, the credit is remembered correctly when the next transaction is entered however.


direct link doesn't work

paul 8 jaar geleden 0

I'm having trouble setting up a band member in BandLoot. I've resent the invite email, which she forwarded to me to fix it, but it doesn't work for me either. I've tried both the direct link and the password-protected link, no dice. Help please?


Can't undelete transaction

jruillier 8 jaar geleden 0

When a transaction has been deleted, when I try to undelete it, using the undelete button, nothing happens.


Changing bandmembers

Maartje van Denderen 11 jaar geleden 0

We have a band with changing bandmembers and not everybody is involved in every gig. Is it possible to keep note of who is supposed to get paid per gig?


Members cannot create accounts...

Maxx 9 jaar geleden 0
Two of our members are unable to create an account tied to the band after having been invited to join.  It appears that one of them has created an account under his name, with the same band name, but it is not in any way attached to the original account set up for the same band.  Any idea what we might be doing wrong?


NovaNax 10 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 10 jaar geleden 1
Under review


jon 8 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Quentin (Owner) 8 jaar geleden 1

the loot should owe Jonathan not David...Image 5