Welcome to the community site of BandLoot.com.
This is where you can ask questions, write suggestions or discuss topics related to BandLoot.

Distributing money

Max Gunther 11 years ago updated by Quentin (Owner) 11 years ago 0
We are distributing from a show that we did even though the band loot is still in the hole. When I do this though it screws all of the accounting up. So we are distributing $75 to two band members but not the other two. It should show those two band members as owing another $75 each back to the band loot account but it does not. Can you help?

Change date format setting

James F. Forbes 9 years ago 0
Give us an option to change the date format for US (mm/dd/yyyy) or EU (dd/mm/yyyy)

Transaction list

Bjørn Bihlet 11 years ago 0

Would be cool if the transactions were sorted with the newest ones at the top, or at least the option to order in reverse


Header says "manage you band's cash"

James F. Forbes 9 years ago 0
Error in header. Should be "your"